Study Certificate Format


A Study certificate is an important document that certifies a student has completed his/her education or has passed an examination or test conducted by the school.

Why Study Certificate is Required?

Study certificate is required for many purposes. In India, Study certificate is mandatory to participate in the admission counselling sessions along with other documents. Study certificate is also compulsory to apply for jobs in the Government and Public sector undertakings.

Is Study Certificate and Bonafide Certificate same?

No, the study certificate is offered by the educational institution certifying that a student has acquired a certain level of knowledge and passed the test conducted by the institution. In contrast, a Bonafide certificate shows the details about student’s affiliation to the institution.

How to Apply for a Study Certificate?

To apply for a Study Certificate, the student has to fill the application form available at the school or educational institution where he has completed the education. The Copies of ID card and other certificates should be attached with the application.

Study Certificate Format for School Students

The School Study Certificate format is given below.

                           Study Certificate

(Name, Full Postal Address & Telephone Number of the Institution)

Date…….This is to certify that Master/Ms ……………………………………………………………………………… Son / Daughter of Mr/Mrs………………………………………………… D.O.B …………………….Enrollment Number…………………. was a student of this institution from ………… to……… and passed the examination with ……………..………… % during the year ………………and  in …………………….curriculum (State board, CBSE, ICSE, ISC,NIOS).

As per the admission register, the Mother tongue of the candidate is—————————


Signature of the Principal/Head of the Institution with Stamp



Study Certificate Format for College Students

                           Study Certificate

This is to certify that Mr/Ms ……………………………….. ……………………………………………………………………………… Son / Daughter of  Mr/Mrs………………………………………………… has been studying in this college from……….to…… . He/She has passed/failed the below examination as per the details mentioned below.

Sl No Name of the course Name of Subjects Percentage of Marks Year Remarks


It is certified that the above details are true to the best of my knowledge



Signature of the Principal/Head of the Institution with Stamp


 Application Form For Study Certificate (For School & College Students)


The Principal/Head of the Institution
School/College Name & Address,

Subject:  Application for Study Certificate

Respected Sir/Madam,

This is to inform you that I am a student of this institution and I require a school certificate for ……… (Mention the reason- Eg. Higher Studies, Job, Transfer of my parents etc.)

Hence you are kindly requested to issue a school certificate at the earliest. My details are given below.

Course & Year—————-
Admission Number———-
Father’s Name—————-
Date of Birth——————-

Yours Sincerely,



What is KEA Study Certificate ?

The Karnataka Examination Authority has set specific education criteria to appear for common entrance tests for entrance examinations in Medical, Engineering, Pharmacy and Ayush courses offered at colleges and institutions in the state of Karnataka. A study certificate from the head of the institution, certifying that the student has studied in Karnataka state at least for seven years (Between Class 1 to 12th) is one of the requirements for admission, This certificate is known as KEA Study certificate.


                         KEA Study Certificate

This is to certify that Mr/Ms ……………………………….. …………………………………………………….. Son / Daughter of  Mr/Mrs………………………………………………… has studied in this School/Institution from…………….to……

As per the admission register, the Mother tongue of the candidate is————————-

It is certified that the above details are true to the best of my knowledge.

(Name, Full Postal Address & Telephone Number of the Institution)

Signature of the Principal/Head of the Institution with Stamp

Counter Signed by Me


Name  Address & Telephone Number of DDPI/BDO


Important Note: As an effective measure to stop the fraud, the Karnataka Common Entrance Test (KCET) authority has made it compulsory that the study certificate issued by schools should be countersigned by the concerned DDPI or Block Education Officer from the Education Department. The study certificate must have the name and signature of the DDPI/BDO with the seal, full address and contact number

Contact us if you require KEA Study Certificate Format & Study Certificate format in English for School, College ( PDF & Word Format)

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