
Calicut University Distance Education


The University of Calicut, School of Distance Education (SDE) is established in 1981 with a mission to provide distance education to the unreached section of the society. Calicut University Distance Education is affiliated to University Grants Commission of India. Calicut University Distance Education has a mission to be open to people, places, methods, and ideas. The Correspondence courses offered by Calicut University are ideal for students to study wherever they are, without leaving their job.


Explore the distance education courses from Calicut University. Calicut University SDE is devoted to excellence in distance learning ,and the School of Distance Education Calicut University is one of the top Universities in India for distance education programs. The Kerala State Government owns Calicut University, that is the the reason why fees for the courses are affordable for a common man. This University has been established to upgrade the knowledge and wisdom of ordinary people who were dropouts due to specific reasons. Explore the correspondence courses at Distance Education Calicut University. Calicut University SDE is devoted to excellence in distance learning

The Countries which became Developed Economies are due to Education, Knowledge, and Wisdom. However, to reach the International Markets requires communication skills, knowledge of policies, culture, technical know-how, etc. of the world economies. Education has a vital role in daily life. A healthy, educated society enriches Healthy literate States. Healthy enlightened States enriches a Wonderful Nation. To build the Wonderful Nation, every citizen should get educated. By providing quality education at the lowest cost, Calicut University SDE is trying to make an educated society.


Explore what is possible when you learn around your life, whatever you want to achieve Calicut University helps you make it happen. Whether your ambition is to move up the career ladder, build a better life for you and your family, or discover something new, you can find the suitable distance education courses at Calicut University.

Every year thousands of students from all walks of life enroll for Calicut University Distance Education Courses. UG and PG courses offered are 14 graduate courses and 12 postgraduate courses. Listed below are the famous courses of Calicut University Distance Education Department.There are two streams of courses, Regular Stream Courses and Open Stream Courses. The details of the courses are given below.

Regular Stream Courses:

These courses are for students who satisfy the minimum eligibility criteria and wish to study through distance education. It offers a total of 26 courses, out of which 14 are Undergraduate courses and 12 Postgraduate courses.


SL NOUG CoursePG Courses
1 B.A HistoryM.A Political Science
2 B.A English                       M.Com
3 B.A SociologyMA Malayalam
4B.A Political ScienceM.A Hindi
5B.A PhilosophyM.A History
6 B.A Sanskrit       M.A Economics
7B.A MalayalamM.A English
8B.A Hindi            M.A Arabic
9B.A EconomicsM.A Sociology
10B.A Arabic           M.A Philosophy
11B.A AfsalUlUlamaM.Sc Mathematics
12B.ComM.A Sanskrit
13B.Sc Mathematics   
Calicut University SDE UG Courses- Regualr Stream

Open Stream Courses:

The open stream courses are offered for the students who do not meet the minimum basic qualification for regular courses:


1 B.A HistoryB.Com Finance
2B.A Economics                   B.Com Cooperation
3 B.A Sociology
4B.A Political Science
5B.A English
6 B.A Hindi           
7B.A Malayalam 
8B.A Arabic            
Calicut University SDE UG Courses- Open Stream


Admission Procedure for U.G. Courses- (Regular Stream)

The prospectus and application form for U.G. admission can be downloaded from the official website of S.D.E. Calicut University http://sdeuoc.ac.in/  The filled in application form with copies of required certificates may be sent to the Director, University of Calicut SDE on or before the last date prescribed by the University.

List of Documents required for U.G. Admission is listed below. 

1. Original Mark list of Kerala Board or Equivalent.

2. Transfer Certificate (Original).

3. Original Bank Chalan Receipt of Tuition fees & Admission fees.

4. Bank Chalan Receipt of cost of application form for matriculation Rs 65+15.( Applicable only for candidates who have passed Plus Two from other Universities other than Calicut University.

5. First Page of S.S.L.C. book/10th Certificate/ (Self Attested)

6. Plus Two Mark list – 2 Copies, Self-attested.

7. Community certificate in Original (For candidates belonging to O.B.C. S.C. & S.T. communities.

8. Original Community Certificate, Nativity Certificate, and Income certificate along with two sets of self attested copies all documents if candidate wish to apply for fees concession.

9. T.C. / Cancellation Certificate- in case of the incomplete degree course

10. Five self-addressed stamped envelopes.

Note: Candidates who want to apply for an additional degree should directly apply for a second-year examination and should apply directly to the Controller of Examinations.

Admission Procedure for U.G. Courses- BA/B.Com (Open Stream)

List of Documents required for U.G. Admission under Open Stream is listed below. 

1. Memo/Printout of the Entrance examination Result

2. Date of Birth Certificate

3. Tuition Fees Chalan receipt/Demand Draft (Only For candidates from Outside Kerala) 

4. Three Stamped Envelopes – Self-addressed 

5. Nativity, Community, and Income certificates (Applicable only for SC/ST and O.E.C. candidates)

Admission Details- P.G. Courses

Candidates applying to P.G. courses must have completed a valid degree from a recognized university in India. Candidates can complete the registration process online before the due date.Candidates can check the program wise eligibility criteria on the link given on the bottom of this page.

Documents Required for PG Admission are given below. 

1. Transfer Certificate (TC)

2. Original Degree Certificate or Provisional certificate 

3. Degree Mark lists- Year wise 

4. Original bank challan receipt (Applicable only for candidates from outside Kerala).

5. Three Stamped envelopes 

6. Nativity, Community, and Income certificates (Applicable only for SC/ST and OEC candidates)

7. Self Attested Copy of the first page of S.S.L.C book/10th Certificate/ mentioning the date of birth

8. Certificate from the employer for relaxation in minimum marks required for admission.


Distance Education Fees Details – UG Courses

Sl NoName of the CourseType of FeesFees
1BAAdmission Fees1325
2B.ComAdmission Fees1325
3Bsc MathematicsAdmission Fees1325
4BBAAdmission Fees1325
5BAYearly Tuition Fees1545
6B.ComYearly Tuition Fees1765
7BSc –MathematicsYearly Tuition Fees1765
7BBAYearly Tuition Fees3310
29BA MultimediaPvt Registration Fees15435
34B.Com Addl SpecializationRegistration Fees1715.00
Calicut University Distance Education Fees Chart- UG

Distance Education Fees Details – Postgraduate Courses

SL NoName of the CourseType of FeesFees
  8MA ArabicAdmission Fees500                                
9MA MalayalamAdmission Fees500
10MA HistoryAdmission Fees500
11MA English, HindiAdmission Fees500
12MA EconomicsAdmission Fees500
13MA Political ScienceAdmission Fees500
14MA Sanskrit, SociologyAdmission Fees500
15MA PhilosophyAdmission Fees500
16M.ComAdmission Fees500
17MSC MathematicsAdmission Fees500
18MA Arabic,HistoryYearly Tuition Fees2760
19MA MalayalamYearly Tuition Fees2760
20M.ComYearly Tuition Fees2760
21MA English, HindiYearly Tuition Fees2205
22MA History, SanskritYearly Tuition Fees2205
23MA PhilosophyYearly Tuition Fees2205
24MA SociologyYearly Tuition Fees2205
25MA EconomicsYearly Tuition Fees2205
26MA Political ScienceYearly Tuition Fees2205
27M.ComYearly Tuition Fees2760.00
28Msc MathsYearly Tuition Fees2205
30All DegreeRe Admission Fees775
31All DegreeStream Change Fees1385
32All PG CoursesRe Admission Fees775
33Additional DegreeRegistration Fees1715.00
35All CoursesCertificate  Fees115
36All CourseDuplicate SDE Card Fees115
37All CoursesDuplcate TC Fees115
38All CoursesPostal Charges60
39All CoursesService Charges60
40All CoursesCorrection Charges115
41All CoursesDate of Birth Correction Charges140
42All CoursesID Card Correction Charges( After Issue)140
43All CoursesName Correction140
44All CoursesMemo Charges60
45All CoursesContact Class Change Charges225
46All CoursesComplimentary Course Change Fees225
47All CoursesCommon Course Change Fees225
48All CoursesCourse Cancellation ( If not registered for Exam)225
49All CoursesCourse Cancellation ( If already registered for Exam)1655.00
50All CoursesCourse Discountiunation Fees225
51All CoursesTC Search Fees ( 3 -10 Years After Course)280
52All CoursesTC Search Fees After -10 Years  of Course Completion)555
52All CoursesUnclaimed Certificate Fees225
Calicut University Distance Education Fees Chart for PG

Other Fees- Applicable For All Courses

Sl NoName of CourseType of FeesFees
30All DegreeRe Admission Fees775                              
31All DegreeStream Change Fees1385
32All PG CoursesRe Admission Fees775
33Additional DegreeRegistration Fees1715.00
35All CoursesCertificate  Fees115
36All CourseDuplicate SDE Card Fees115
37All CoursesDuplicate TC Fees115
38All CoursesPostal Charges60
39All CoursesService Charges60
40All CoursesCorrection Charges115
41All CoursesDate of Birth Correction Charges140
42All CoursesID Card Correction Charges( After Issue)140
43All CoursesName Correction140
44All CoursesMemo Charges60
45All CoursesContact Class Change225
46All CoursesComplimentary Course Change Fees225
47All CoursesCommon Course Change Fees225
48All CoursesCourse Cancellation ( If not registered for Exam)225
49All CoursesCourse Cancellation ( If already registered for Exam)1655.00
50All CoursesCourse Discontinuation Fees225
51All CoursesTC Search Fees ( 3 -10 Years After Course)280
52All CoursesTC Search Fees After -10 Years  of Course Completion)555
52All CoursesUnclaimed Certificate Fees225
Calicut University Distance Education Fees

Application Form for Fees Concession

Calicut University SDE provides fees concession for students from backward communities. To be eligible for fee concession, students need to apply in the prescribed form. The application form for fees concession can be downloaded from the below link. For more details about mode of remittance of fees check the link given below

Examination Hall Ticket

For Hall tickets of distance education, Revaluation and Original Degree details, students can visit the online registration portal of the University, the link is given below.

Online Application Process:

  • Applicants should download and duly fill the application form available on the official website.
  • Upload a photograph and signature in png format.
  • Upload the bank challan receipt in png format.
  • Upload the Birth Certificate and Aadhar Card in png format.
  • Upload copies of relevant certificates as mentioned in the application form.

Calicut University Distance Education Study Materials

The printed study materials for all distance courses, including open stream courses, are provided by the University of Distance Education (SDE). Calicut University provides personal contact programs and training sessions at specific study centers. The attendance in contact program is compulsory for certain courses. The School of Distance Education facilitates a well-maintained library with a good collection of reference books, periodicals, dissertations, etc. A well quipped web centre and a separate Grievance Redressal Cell is functioning to receive student grievances.

The Open University community, as experts in this field, has some valuable advice to share. Here are some tips:

  • Lots of distance learning students study alongside work, family responsibilities, and busy lives.
  • Do not study in your bedroom or sleeping area. If you have an office room or something similar, use it.
  • Do not wait for the ‘perfect’ study space” to start your studies.

Calicut University Distance Education Exam Time Table

Calicut University SDE conducts its annual and semester examination every year at the approved examination centers given on this site. The University publishes the examination time table for distance education on its official website.

Study Materials for Open Stream Entrance Examination

The SDE provides study materials for Candidates preparing for open stream entrance examinations. Study materials are available for BA& B.Com courses.  Students can download the study materials and have an idea about the types of questions in the entrance examination.

Study Materials are available for the below subjects.

Paper I English

Paper II Hindi

Paper II  Malayalam 

Paper II Arabic

Part  III Commerce

Part III History

Part  III Political Science

Part III Economics

Download study materials


Calicut University Question Bank is an essential teaching aid for students of distance education due to the following reasons. Solving the previous year’s question papers of Calicut University Distance Education will help the students get an overview of the exam pattern and understand the model of the questions.

Why Use Question Bank?

  1. Students can easily search for past paper questions by subject, topic, tier, year, or marks per question.
  2. Use it at home. This resource is suitable for an end-of-lesson test, revision activities. 
  3. Questions are updated every year. The University ensures that Question Bank is updated every year with new subjects and patterns.
  4. Students get an idea of the pattern of questions.

Question Bank is also available at study centres.

Behind every success story, there is hard work, determination, and self-confidence. Try and try you will succeed at last. Keep in mind, only when you share the success stories will encourage the next generation to do so.

Previous Years Question Bank- Undergraduate Courses

Question Bank Available for 2008 – 2010 Admissions


B.Com Additional Paper BUSINESS ENVIRONMENT (For Private and SDE Candidates)

B.Com Additional Paper BUSINESS PRACTICE (For Private and SDE Candidates

Previous Years Question Bank of 2011, 2012, 2013 Admissions       

Model Question Papers 2011,2012,2013.

  1. BA  Arabic- II Sem Afsal-Ul-Ulama –
  2. Indian Constitution Secularism & Sustainable Environment(AU2A04)
  3.  BA Arabic (2011 Admn. onwards) I sem Complementary course – Indian Writings in Arabic
  4.  BA arabic (2011 Admn. onwards) II sem Core course – Informatics With D.T.P

1. B.A History

2. B.A English

3. B.A Sociology

4. B.A Political Science

5. B.A Philosophy

6. B.A Tamil

7. B.A Sanskrit

8. B.A Malayalam

9. B.A Hindi

10. B.A Economics

11. B.A Arabic

12. B.A Afzal-Ul-Ulama

13. B.Com

14. BBA

15. B.Sc Mathematics

16. B.Sc Counselling Psychology

17. BMMC

18. Diploma in Multimedia and Animation

Question Bank of  2014 Admission

1. B.A History

2. B.A English

3. B.A Sociology

4. B.A Political Science

5. B.A Philosophy

6. B.A Tamil

7. B.A Sanskrit

8. B.A Malayalam

9. B.A Hindi

10. B.A Economics

11. B.A Arabic

12. B.A Afzal-Ul-Ulama

13. B.Com

14. BBA

15. B.Sc Mathematics

16. B.Sc Counselling Psychology

17. Bachelor of Graphic Design and Animation (BGDA)

18. BMMC

19. Diploma in Multimedia and Animation

Question Bank of 2016 Admission

1.  BCom

2.  BBA

3.  BA

4.  BSc

5.  BMMC

6.  BA/BSc

7.  LRP

Question Bank of 2017 Admission

1. B.A History

2. B.A English

3. B.A Sociology

4. B.A Political Science

5. B.A Philosophy

6. B.A Sanskrit

7. B.A Malayalam

8. B.A Hindi

9. B.A Economics

10. B.A Arabic

11. B.A Afzal-Ul-Ulama

12. B.A Tamil

13. B.A Multimedia

14. B.A. Urdu

15. B.Com

16. BBA

17. B.Sc Mathematics

18. B.Sc Counselling Psychology

Question Bank of 2019 Admission

1. B.A History

2. B.A English

3. B.A Sociology

4. B.A Political Science

5. B.A Philosophy

6. B.A Sanskrit

7. B.A Malayalam

8. B.A Hindi

9. B.A Economics

10. B.A Arabic

11. B.A Afzal-Ul-Ulama

12. B.A Multimedia

13. B.Com

14. BBA

15. B.Sc Mathematics

Download Undergraduate Model Question Papers Here

Question Bank- PG Courses

Model Question Papers Available – MCom- 2015 Admission. Download Here

Calicut University Distance Education Online Registration

The university provides the facility to check the registration details online. The online ID check facility is available only for UG & PG courses both in regular and open streams. 

Steps to Check Online Registration

  • Visit the Official website of SDE Calicut
  • Enter the Registration Number
  • Enter the Date of Birth in DD-MM-YYYY Format
  •  Click on “GO”
  • Save the file on your computer and take a print for further use.

 The link for Online Registration of all distance education courses is given at the bottom of this page. 


All approved study centers of Calicut University are located in Kerala. SDE doesn’t have any does not have any study center outside the state of Kerala. As per the UGC direction, all centers outside the jurisdiction of the University should be closed with effect immediately. Listed below are the study centers approved by the University in Kerala.

SL NoStudy Centre DetailsDistrict
1.SDE Head Quarters, University of Calicut, Kerala. Phone- 0494 240 7152Kozhikode                                             
2.John Mathai Centre, Thrissur Dr John Matthai Road Aranattukara, Thrissur, Kerala 680618, Thrissur, Kerala 680651 Phone: 0487 238 4656Thrissur
3.CUTEC, PUTHUPANAM, Vatakara, Kerala 673101Phone: 0496 251 5920 CalicutKozhikode
4.CUTEC, Vatakara, PUTHUPANAM, Vatakara, Kerala 673101 Phone: 0496 251 5920Kozhikode
5.CUTEC, Chakkittappara, Kozhikode, Kerala-673526Kozhikode
6.CUTEC, Kaniyampatta  Phone: 04936 286 823Wayanad,
7.CUTEC, Sultan Bathery, Sulthan Bathery – Kunthanni – Thovarimala Rd, Sultan BatheryWayanad,
8.CUTEC, Manjeri, Kozhikkattu Kunnu, Manjeri, Kerala 676121 Phone: 0483 276 2222Kozhikode
9.CUTEC, Malappuram, Address: Sree Arunodaya Puliyengal Rd, Munduparamba, Malappuram, Kerala 676509Malappuram,
10.CUTEC, Koduvayur, Koduvayur High School Rd, Koduvayur, Kerala 678501Phone: 04923 252 556Palakkad
11.CUTEC, Valappad, Thrissur, Kerala . PIN 680567 Phone: 0487 239 9963Thrissur
12.CUTEC, Aranattukara, Thrissur  KERALA Pin Code: 680618Thrissur
13.WMO College, Muttil  South, Kerala 673122Phone: 04936 203 382Wayanad,
14.Govt.College, Madappally, Vadakara, Kozhikode , Kerala, India 673102 – Kozhikode
15.Govt.Arts & Science College, CalicutKozhikode
16.St.Joseph’s College, Devagiri ( PG centre only)   Kozhikode, Kerala 673008 Phone: 0495 235 5901Kozhikode
17.Govt.College, Munduparamba, Malappuram, Kerala 676509 Phone: 0483 273 491 MalappuramMalappuram
18.MES KVM College, Valanchery, Vendalloor, Kerala 676552 Phone: 0494 264 2670Malappuram
19.St.Thomas College, Thrissur – Palghat Rd, Keerankulangara, Thrissur, Kerala 680001 Phone: 0487 242 0435Thrissur
20.Sree Kerala Varma College, College Road, PO, Kanattukara, Thrissur, Kerala 680011 Phone: 0487 238 0535Thrissur
21.MES Kalladi College, Mannarkkad,  Mylampadam Rd, Mannarkkad, Kerala 678583 Phone: 04924 223 414Palakkad                       
22Govt College, Chittur College Post, Palakkad District, Chittur, Kerala 678104 Phone: 04923 222 347Palakkad
Calicut University Study Centres

The University of Calicut has released the results of UG and PG Distance education courses on its official website. The University has announced the results of all semesters of BA, BCOM, BSC, MA, MCOM, and MSC. Students can now check the results online. For checking the results online, students have to enter their registration number, course details, and year. The direct link to find the Calicut University Distance Education Results is given at the bottom of this page.

How to Check Calicut University Result?

  1. Visit the official website of the University
  2. Click on the “Examination Results’ on the homepage
  3. Choose your course/year and semester
  4. Enter the Registration Number computer
  5. Complete the ‘Captcha’
  6. Click on “Submit”
  7. Check the results displayed on the screen
  8. Download/ Take a printout of the results for future references.


The syllabus for Calicut University Distance Education UG and PG Courses are available for the following Courses from 2019 onwards

UG Syllabus

   1. B.A Afsal-ul-ulama

   2. B.A Arabic

   3. B.A Economics

   4. B.A English

   5. B.A Hindi

   6. B.A Malayalam

   7. B.A History

   8. B.A Political Science

   9.  B.A Philosophy

   10. B.A Sanskrit

   11. B.A Sociology

   12. BCom

   13. BBA

   14. B.Sc Mathematics (Common Course & Audit Courses)

PG Syllabus 2019 Onwards

  • M.A Arabic
  • M.A Economics
  • M.A English
  • M.A Hindi
  • M.A History
  • M.A Malayalam
  • M.A Political Science
  • M.A Philosophy
  • M.A. Sanskrit General
  • M.A Sociology (I Semester)
  • MA Sociology (II Sem to IV Sem)
  • Master of Commerce
  • M.Sc Mathematics
  • M.A. Sanskrit Sahitya

Download syllabus here


  1. Is Distance Education of Calicut University approved by UGC?

Yes: The existing UG and PG Courses of Calicut University Distance Education have been approved by UGC. But prior permission of UGC is required for starting new courses. Read the UGC approval letter.

2. What is SDE Calicut University?

The distance education department of Calicut University is known as SDE. Earlier it was known as the Institute of Correspondence Courses and Continuing Education.

3. Is the degree of Calicut University Distance Education approved by Kerala PSC?

Yes. Degrees awarded by the Calicut University Distance Education are valid and approved by Kerala Public Service Commission (PSC) for Kerala Government Jobs.

4. Is Distance Education Courses of Calicut University Approved by Distance Education Bureau (DEB) ? 

Yes, The Distance Education courses of Calicut University are approved by both UGC and DEB (Distance Education Bureau) New Delhi. Download DEB Circular here

5. Is Calicut University distance education degree as valid as a regular degree?

Yes. UGC and DEB approve Calicut University Distance Education courses; hence it is equally valid as a regular degree.

6. Are Calicut University Distance Mode courses valid for higher studies?

Yes. Calicut University Distance Education Courses are valid for higher studies. Both UGC and DEB approve Calicut University degrees in distance mode.

Calicut University Distance Education Contact Information

AddressSchool of distance Education, University Of Calicut, Calicut University P.O. Malappuram. PIN 673 635, Kerala, India. Pin Code- 673635
Contact Number+91 494 – 2400288, 2400288
Contact  Classes+91 494 2407494
Study Materials+91 494 – 2407354
Registration+91 494 2407461
Admission+91 494 2407469
Director+91 494 2407355

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