The NIOS will be releasing separate admit cards for the theory and practical exams of standard 10 and 12. Direct link to download the NIOS Admit Card of National Institute of Open Schooling is available on the verified homepage of NIOS official website. NIOS hall ticket for practical exams will be opened before the theory exam admit card. National Institute of Open Schooling will declare tentative dates for the exam on its official website.
Prospective students who have registered for the examination can check and download the hall ticket from the official NIOS website. Students are instructed to keep a copy of their admit card for upcoming exams. Any candidate who fails to bring the admit card to the exam hall will be forbidden to write the test.
Read the information below to ensure the admit card contains all the essential details. Students must recheck the accuracy of the information printed on the hall ticket before the commencement of the examination.
In case you find any errors like the wrong spelling of your father’s name or a change in the late digit of your enrollment number, inform the concerned officials via phone or mail. Your NIOS Hall Ticket has the following details:
- Enrollment Number
- Name of the candidate
- Father’s name
- Mother’s name
- Exam centre address
- Exam schedule consisting of subject code, subject name and date of exam
- Important Instructions.
NIOS Admit Card for Class 10th
- Visit the official homepage of National Institute of Open Schooling. Soon you will be directed to NIOS portal window.
- Tap on the link showing ‘NIOS admit card for practical and theory exams’.
- The link will present NIOS admit card on the screen.
- Next, type in your enrollment number and choose the “Hall Ticket type”.
- Click on submit to generate the NIOS admit card for Class 10.
- Download the hall ticket and take a printout.
Note: Always Keep Hall ticket in safe as the hall ticket will be required to attend both theory and practical exams conducted by NIOS.
NIOS Admit Card for Class 12th
- Visit the official website of NIOS hall ticket at Tap on the link of admit card shown.
- Admit cards for both theory and practical exam of 12thstandard will appear on the window.
- Choose the admit card type and enter your 11/12 digit enrollment number.
- Finally, click on the submit button and NIOS exam hall ticket will be open to save.
- Take a screenshot/ printout of the hall ticket for future use.
Note: It is mandatory to carry the admit card to the exam hall for both NIOS theory and practical examinations.
Documents Required for NIOS Exam
Candidates should carry the following documents, as well as the printed copy of NIOS, admit card when appearing for exams.
- NIOS identity card
- Aadhar Card or any ID proof
- NIOS hall ticket.
NIOS Exam Centres List
- NIOS will publish the details of the examination centers with contact number on its official website.
- The centres are allotted to candidates based on their preferences marked in the examination form.
- Students can check the details of the NIOS exam centres online by entering the region code.
NIOS Hall Ticket Verification & Corrections
Before saving the NIOS hall ticket to the device, candidates are advised to look at the details printed on their admit cards thoroughly and verify it. NIOS thoroughly check the details provided on the Hall ticket during the examinations to prevent the misuse. Therefore, students must make it a point to confirm the information printed on their hall tickets.
In case of any conflict in the details mentioned on the NIOS hall ticket, the candidate must quickly contact the Regional Centre administrator and get the details rectified. The students have another available option to connect with the Student Support Services through their certified website.
Once the admit cards are released, the NIOS officials also put out the error correction window where students can make minor changes in the hall ticket information and get any glitches corrected.
NIOS Hall ticket: Key Points to Remember
- Carry your stationery and NIOS hall ticket to the exam centre without fail.
- Try to reach the exam centre at least 30 minutes before the commencement of the examination.
- Use of any electronic gadgets is strictly prohibited in the examination hall.
- Students are advised to read through their answer sheets properly before the final submission of exam papers.
- A candidate spotted using unfair means or involved in disorderly conduct will face severe consequences, including cancellation of examination paper if found guilty.
NIOS Examination Centers
NIOS conducts the exam every year in various examination centres. The following is the region-wise list of NIOS exam centres.
- Hyderabad
- Pune
- Kolkata
- Guwahati
- Chandigarh
- Kochi
- Delhi
- NCR Delhi
- HQ-Outside India
- Jaipur
- Patna
- Allahabad
- Bhopal
- Dehradun
- Bhubaneswar
- Vishakhapatnam
- Bengaluru
- Gandhinagar
- Raipur
- Ranchi
- Chennai
- Dharamshala
How to Check Nearest NIOS Exam Centres?
Candidates can check the list of test centres for their region by visiting the official link of NIOS exam centres. Given below step by step procedure can help you check the list of NIOS exam centers within a short while.
Step 1: Click to open the official link of exam centres.
Step 2: Type in your region code in the appropriate box provided.
Step 3: You may answer all the questions enquired and tap on the submit button.
The list of NIOS exam centres will soon appear on the window showing complete details of NIOS exam centers
NIOS Hall Tickets- FAQ
1.What are the essential documents to be carried to the examination centre?
Ans: NIOS hall ticket and valid identity proof are essential requirements to write the exam.
2. How can I rectify the wrong information in the admit card?
If you want to make any significant alterations in the hall ticket, you may contact the NIOS Regional Administrator Officer to get them rectified.
3.Can I appear for my exam at a nearby centre other than the one allotted by NIOS? Writing your exam in a different centre is considered an unfair practice. NIOS will block your result as a penalty.
4. Where do we get the notification from to download the hall ticket?
To receive any updates regarding your admit card, visit the official website of National Institute of Open Schooling.
NIOS Student Login- Click Here
NIOS Hall Ticket Useful Links
Admit Card of NIOS | Click Here |
NIOS Official Website | Click Here |
NIOS Student Portal | Click Here |
NIOS Student Login | Click Here |
Download Exam Fee Receipt | Click Here |
NIOS Hall Ticket Helpline:
Address: NIOS Headquarters:
National Institute of Open Schooling,
A-24/25, Institutional Area,
Sector -62. Noida.Uttar Pradesh.
Toll Free Number: 1800 180 9393
Conclusion: We hope this article about Admit Card of National Institute of Open Schooling has been useful. For any questions/clarifications please use the comment box to contact us. We will be happy to assist you.